If the title confused you, 11 Hydroxy THC is the active compound in THC that makes marijuana so addictive. Of course, we’re essentially discussing marijuana use itself, the effects of this compound make its role worth emphasizing.

Using High THC Products

THC compounds are extremely potent, and can affect your senses and deliberation even if you use them in small doses.

While they are usable for recreation, it is important that you do so safely. The side effects of using high-THC cannabis products can be severe.

Tips for Safe Marijuana Use

Calculate Your Doses

In the US, different laws on using cannabis layout specific rules depending on the state where it’s legal. A large part of these simple guides on how much substances you should take from time to time.

These guidelines can vary by state, age, condition, or the product you’re using. But the idea isn’t just to enforce the regulation. It actually offers some insight into how much THC-rich goods are safe to use.

Read the label on your product before using it. Also, you can use “dosage calculators”, which are online resources that help you come up with the right intake levels.

Try Different Products

Because of how potent it can be, concentrated THC is usually not recommended for non-medical use and is often illegal. Instead, users have the option of different product that infuse or dilute marijuana extract for sage use.

Vape products, edibles, and beverages use legal quantities of marijuana that make them ideal for casual consumption. But even then, reading the label is ideal.

Store Your Marijuana Properly

While cured marijuana can last for a while, it is important that you store it properly. Otherwise, your products might expire and become unfit for consumption.

Interestingly, the question “does weed expire?” does not necessarily have to do with spoilage. The THC levels in your products might lose their potency over time, even if the weed is still usable. This ageing might lower its effects, but it does lower the risk of side effects.


The recreational use of marijuana continues to be controversial among many. While marijuana may not be a right fit for everyone, it is hard to deny its many benefits.

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